=== WordPress phpinfo() === Contributors: MrFlannagan Plugin URI: http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/wordpress-phpinfo/ Donate link: http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/ Tags: simple, php, admin, phpinfo,debugging, configuration, server, support, troubleshooting Requires at least: 3.2.0 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Stable tag: 15 It's important for a non technical administrator to be able to diagnose server related problems in WordPress. == Description == It's important for a non technical administrator to be able to diagnose server related problems in WordPress but also rapidly retrieve feedback regarding their web server. This simple plugin adds an option to an administrator's Tools menu which displays standard phpinfo() feedback details to the user. This a very simple script, designed to help the non technical user get immediate feedback about their blog. This plugin is maintained by Christopher Ross, http://thisismyurl.com or you can find him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/thisismyurl/ == Updates == Updates to the plugin will be posted here, to [Christopher Ross](http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/wordpress-phpinfo/) == Screenshots == 1. PHP Info for WordPress == Installation == To install the plugin, please upload the folder to your plugins folder and active the plugin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where is the information displayed? = Under your Plugins page, there is a link for settings beside the plugin details as well as in your Tools menu. = Can I call it in a theme? = To call the function from a theme include the code wordpressphpinfo(); in your theme code. == Donations == If you would like to donate to help support future development of this tool, please visit [http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/wordpress-phpinfo/ == Change Log == 14.12 * tested to WordPress 4.1 * streamlined the output screen to display more raw data 3.5 * updated WP admin screens * tested to WordPress 3.2 3.1 * updated WP admin screens * tested to WordPress 3.1 3.0.01 * converted plugin to utilize CR common library * altered phpinfo() output to avoid theme conflicts 2.0.1 * documentation updates 2.0.0 * efficiency updates, repaired broken link 1.1.2 * updated update functions 1.1.0 * 2.8 compatibility fixes 1.0.3 * 2.8 compatibility fixes 1.0.0 * upgraded admin menus * moved pages to settings panel 0.2.1 (2009-05-07) * documentation modification 0.2.0 (2009-05-07) * removed a header call which was causing some problems on isolated servers. 0.1.3 (2009-03-26) * Happy Birthday to me * Fixed a link in the readme.txt file 0.1.2 (2009-03-16) Added the change log == Upgrade Notice == 14.12 * tested to WordPress 4.1 * streamlined the output screen to display more raw data